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How to Care for Kittens and Adult Cats?

If you have decided to share your home with a kitten or adult cat, you should know that there is nothing to worry about as long as you take care of its needs and take minimum safety precautions in your home. With the information and guidance you will read shortly, you can make your cat the source of joy in your home and build a strong bond with it. Remember, as you make your furry friend happy, it will try to make you happier.

How to Care for Kittens?

If you have adopted a kitten that is no longer cared for by its mother, which usually happens around two months old, you can consider yourself one of the luckiest people in the world. A little cat that needs attention and love, separated from its mother and siblings, can be one of the few things that can positively change your life. So, how should you take care of your little friend?

It is best to start with the question "What do kittens eat?" because your kitten at home has a high-speed metabolism and is still in the growth stage, so it can get hungry frequently and wants to eat every three to four hours. Although it has already passed the baby stage and has teeth, it may have difficulty consuming dry cat food, so it is advisable to get wet cat food for its nutrition. The amount of wet food you give, which is indicated on the usage instructions of the product you buy or recommended by your veterinarian, will fill your kitten's stomach - at least for a while. But a few hours later, the little one's stomach will start growling again. The ingredients of wet cat food require the nutritional needs of kittens until they switch to dry food or a BARF diet later. Since it contains a large amount of moisture, you need to put clean water near the food bowl for your furry friend to drink enough water.

After consuming food, your kitten's need for a litter box will arise. If you have purchased cat litter and a litter box, you can direct your kitten there. Cats instinctively use areas like soil and sand to dig and do their business and then cover their waste. The behavior of your tiny ball of fur at home will be in this direction as well. The only thing you need to do to ensure that your cat completes the toilet process safely is to show it where the litter box is. Holding your furry friend and placing it in the litterbox is sufficient for this. It can easily find this place during toilet breaks by following its instinctual GPS.

Life can sometimes present you with difficult tests, and one of these tests may involve taking care of a kitten that needs its mother's milk. If the baby cat you adopted cannot eat solid food and cannot take care of its toilet needs on its own, you will need to obtain a cat bottle and cat milk powder. You can feed your kitten by filling the bottle with the mixture you prepare as recommended. Regarding toilet needs, you can make your baby kitten urinate and defecate by massaging its urinary organs with a wet cotton swab. Don't worry, this process will pass quickly, and your kitten, which fits in your palm, will start eating solid food and using cat litter when it gets a little bigger.

Caring for an Adult Stray Cat

Your job is considered easier compared to taking care of a kitten if you have decided to adopt a friendly cat that you see while going to work or roaming around your home and trying to communicate with you. Unlike a kitten that has just been separated from its mother and siblings, the stray cat you will adopt may have been negatively affected by outdoor conditions and carry parasites such as fleas. Don't worry and don't cool off from the cat you adopted for this reason. Make sure that, your purr-fect friend is not happy to host fleas and needs your help.

At this stage, the first thing you need to do is to buy a carrier that you can carry the stray cat you adopted and take the cat to the veterinarian. After your veterinarian accomplishes the cat's tests, they will administer the necessary internal and external parasite vaccines to get rid of fleas. If your cat's general condition is good, in addition to relevant vaccines, they can also administer distemper and rabies vaccines for cats. Meanwhile, you may have questions such as "Can cats be bathed?" for extreme cases like this. Many veterinarians who are experts in their field do not recommend bathing cats. These cute creatures can clean themselves even if they are very dirty, thanks to their tongue's special structure and secretion.

After all the procedures, your cat may feel a little weak due to the effect of the vaccines, but don't worry. Your furry friend, who is glad to find its forever home, will consume the wet and dry cat foods you offer, drink its water and meet its toilet needs with the litter you bought. Then it will start getting to know its new home and playing fun games with the lucky human friend who opened its home.

What You Need to Know About Caring and Training

  • Whether your furry friend is a kitten or an adult, you should get a scratching post to help your cat maintain a healthy skeletal and muscular system by sharpening its claws and doing stretching exercises.
  • Your furry friend takes care of its fur by licking itself. However, you can also help by collecting weak hairs on your cat before it does. You can use cat hairbrushes or cat gloves for this. If your cat is shedding unexpectedly, it could be due to stress or food-related issues. In such a case, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian.
  • Cat vaccinations are crucial. You should get your kitten and adult cat vaccinated regularly according to the annual schedule, consulting your veterinarian. While the leukemia vaccine is not mandatory, it would be beneficial to discuss the risks and benefits of this vaccine with your veterinarian.
  • Your mischievous kitten may want to bite your hands or feet during playtime. At night, if you leave your bedroom door open - if you close it, it will meow, asking you to open it as it doesn't want to be alone - it will climb into your bed. Be patient and remember that your tiny kitten has only been in this world for a few weeks. To prevent your cat from biting your hands and feet during playtime, include cat toys and chewable soft textured toys in your games. To prevent nighttime playtime adventures, tire your furry friend out by playing with it before bedtime. This will help you both sleep and wake up at similar times.
  • If your little friend has unwanted behavior, use positive reinforcement techniques such as giving treats and clickers for cat training. Use a soft tone of voice when communicating with your cat. When your cat tries to do something you don't want it to do, use a more authoritative tone of voice. Do not yell at your cat or punish it. Reward your cat's positive behavior by petting and hugging it or giving it treats.

Wishing you happiness in the fun adventure with your cat. Your cat will learn a lot from you on this journey, but make sure that your furry friend will also teach you many things.


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